Is 100% focus really attainable?
I must be honest, a lot of times I find it challenging to maintain 100% focus.
I do block off time to get work done in chunks, and that is extremely helpful. However, I am not a machine. No matter how close we are coming to make that a reality, I am only human.
Human in a tech-driven world.
On a given day I am typically interested in a variety of things and usually simultaneously. No, it is not A.D.H.D (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), I think it is just hyper curiosity. Currently, we live in the most stimulating time in all of history.
As we speak, new inventions are created, new knowledge is amassed, deciphered, and mashed up together to make further information. Its Incredible!
Learning capacities are multiplying exponentially. The average person now with a smartphone has at their disposal access to more information than the wealthiest men did in history, (which was the source of their power).
There is an onslaught of things to see, do and experience as well as learn.
Just to give you a scenario while writing this article, I have my music playing and seven other internet pages up, plus my smartphone — Don’t judge me lol.
I believe at best I can reach 85%-90% focus. As a kid, I could stay in a quiet space and be immersed in what I was reading or whatever I was doing. That was before the smartphones though. I still manage to get a lot done, but I cant help, but wonder will it ever be at 100% again.
(picture below is a great visual to my point of less than 100% focus)
So my question to you guys out there is:
Nowadays in this tech-driven world do you think 100% focus is attainable?
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you