Stop Studying Your Hustle and Start Hustling

Teronie Donaldson
3 min readJan 23, 2021
Photo by Mahmud Ahsan on Unsplash

“I just need to learn ___________, in order to for me to ___________, then things will really take off.”

Does that phrase sound familiar?

Whatever you fill in the blanks, the outcome is still the same.

If you delay on your business/side business, skill development, or hustle, you will find yourself in perpetual learning mode only.

All your ideas may be solid. But you have to EXECUTE on them for them to matter.

I have gone through several analysis paralysis phases my whole life.

When I was an apprentice steamfitter, I thought I needed to know a piping system’s entire breakdown to take it apart. It wasn’t until I was a journeyman I realized l don’t need to know everything to act; just the basics, safety aspects, and for the most part, working within a team structure.

With those components, I would achieve success. I learned so much in the act of taking apart the piping system in 2 hours than I did reading months of trade modules.

Or when I was in the process of buying my first property, I thought I needed to know everything about real estate. However, I learned so much more by viewing properties and talking to several realtors than I did…



Teronie Donaldson

Student of life. I write about books, productivity, reading, and applying what I learned. I hope it helps. *Check me out *